There were some dark spots on the parts that were not mentioned in the description, but for this price, it is acceptable, so I will leave it as normal.
One box had 8 Rs, 5 RRs, 1-3 RRRs, 1-2 SRs, 15 of the 20 packs had the same serial number, and all 20 packs were normal, so I don't think you can trust them very much.
I was told it was a perfect beauty.
However, there were ink marks and cutting scratches.
It is a good enough item for a collection.
I think it is better not to deal with those who want to put it on PSA.
I didn't check enough, but there was a small scratch.
I should have asked for additional photos.
I would have liked to have at least included it in the loader since it is a waterproof Fabricate and a very expensive card!