Thank you for your purchase.
We look forward to working with you again in the future.
For the time being, we can only sell replicas, but we will soon handle NFT and silver.
We have another replica of Yuki, the cat-eared magical knight, for you to purchase if you'd like!
Also, I'll be releasing a replica every month, so please follow me if you like!
The service was very fast and courteous, the packaging was well done, the card was beautiful, and the extras were a great service.
Thank you again for the transaction.
Again, thank you for your purchase this time!
I have other replicas of Sawa Mountain, so please take a look!
I'm planning to list it at the beginning of every month, so if you're interested, please follow me and wish me luck!
I pulled off one winner!!!!!!!! Thank you!!! Thank you so much ☺️
I've bought from other Oripa stores for girls, but this is one of the best Oripa stores out there!!! ☺️
Next time I will buy Smashing Success from Lusamine and Erika.