The customer service was very attentive and helpful. You were also very courteous and firm in dealing with us after we received the product.
Thank you very much.
It arrived safely! The contents were Cynthia & Caitlin and ArceusVSTAR's UR and Magikarp's AR: ☺️
I'm glad that I wanted all of them! Thank you again 🙇♂️
I bought a large reduction bag, top was Sylveon, others were fine.
The Sylveon is a beautiful Le Bianca as it only has a thin white chip? I had heard in advance that they were selling beautiful pieces, so I was shocked.
If all the pieces were beautiful, they would have been just barely reachable or not reachable le Bianca, but there were too many white chips and I think the price was about 2/3 of the price. I wish I could have gotten at least one or two items with white chips...
For a bag that is heavily advertised as a "big reduction bag," the top is an Acerola Foresee with two gutted horizontal lines, and even if it were a complete beauty along with the other KIHADA SR, it would just barely reach the selling price of the major companies.
I'm sure this is the kind of evaluation because in the exchange after the purchase, I was told 'I'd be happy to rate how my grab bag is different from others around me ☺️' I certainly have never had a grab bag like this, I don't know about
Sorry for the late evaluation.
The packaging and card were in good condition.
The response was firm and favorable.
I am sorry for the delay in my evaluation.
Sorry for the delay.
I had fun looking at the cards you have in Sawa Mountain that I don't have!
I would buy from you again if I had the chance...thank you!
Thank you so much for your care and attention to detail! The item was exactly as described, and you were a trustworthy seller! I especially enjoyed unpacking the cards, especially since they were ones I didn't own! I would like to repeat the experience if I have the chance.
This was my first purchase, and the Oripa price was quite low, even though the lineup consisted only of rare cards that are no longer available.
The seller's enthusiasm for Oripa was evident.
The packaging was good and the shipping was very fast!
Purchased a grab bag. From purchase to shipping was quick and well packaged! The first four were not particularly hot, and I honestly thought "I was cheated..." I honestly thought "I was cheated. But the last one was a beautiful MarnieHR!
Thank you for doing business with us! I received a cool grab bag and the contents were cool 😊.
It contained about 8 cards. Many of the cards were new! It was nice to see some I didn't have 😌.
I was looking forward to my first grab bag and was surprised to find a Lucario starter for 20,000 yen.
Other than that, there were a few guaranteed SRs, a few normal ones such as Dark Patch, and a few URs such as Boken no Kaban, but I was fooled by the number.
Fast delivery, very carefully wrapped in wrapping paper!
And the contents, with all the familiar high-value cards and a box, were so much fun to unwrap!
Thank you 😊