Advanced SearchSearch result for 「カメックス R」Newly listed Price: lowest first Price: highest first Highest LikesFilterProduct list (658 items)Item list (1,967 items)Blastoise Holo/with mark, Old Back ★ 9¥ 3,500 ~Number of items 2【PSA10】カメックスex SAR 202/165¥ 12,000 ~Number of items 3【PSA10】Blastoise&PiplupGX SR 070/064¥ 32,800 ~Number of items 2【PSA10】Blastoise (25th) PROMO PROMO 003/025¥ 11,970 ~Number of items 4カメックスex SAR 202/165-Number of items 0Dark Blastoise Old Back ★¥ 1,200 ~Number of items 1【PSA10】BlastoiseEX SR 061/060¥ 32,800 ~Number of items 2カメックスex RR 009/165¥ 100 ~Number of items 10【PSA10】Dark Blastoise Old Back ★-Number of items 0【PSA9】Dark Blastoise Old Back ★-Number of items 0スペシャルデッキセットex フシギバナ・リザードン・カメックス -Number of items 0Blastoise Exchange please Old Back PROMO¥ 16,000 ~Number of items 1Blastoise&PiplupGX SR 070/064¥ 20,000 ~Number of items 1【PSA10】かがやくカメックス K 018/071¥ 5,000 ~Number of items 1Blastoise 1st Edition/No Mark, Old Back -Number of items 0【PSA10】Blastoise Holo 1st Edition card e ★ 108/128-Number of items 0MBlastoiseEX RR 015/060-Number of items 0BlastoiseEX SR 061/060¥ 20,000 ~Number of items 2ポケモンカード151(イチゴーイチ) カードファイルセット フシギバナ・リザードン・カメックス 未開封BOX ¥ 5,499 ~Number of items 8Blastoise 1st Edition card e ★ 076/128-Number of items 0【PSA10】Blastoise UR 078/070-Number of items 0かがやくカメックス K 018/071¥ 2,999 ~Number of items 2カメックス R 017/071-Number of items 0【PSA10】Blastoise Holo/with mark, Old Back ★ 9-Number of items 0カメックスex SR 186/165¥ 1,000 ~Number of items 3【PSA10】MBlastoiseEX SR 093/087-Number of items 0【PSA10】Pokemon Card Game Classic (CLK) PROMO CLK003/032-Number of items 0Blastoise&PiplupGX RR 016/064-Number of items 0BlastoiseV S-TD 001/020-Number of items 0MBlastoiseEX RR 022/087¥ 777 ~Number of items 1BlastoiseGX SR 057/054¥ 2,500 ~Number of items 1BlastoiseGX RR 010/054-Number of items 0【PSA8】Computer Error Non-glossy white shadow Blastoise Mega Battle participation commemorative card Old Back PROMO¥ 598,000 ~Number of items 1Blastoise&PiplupGX SR 069/064-Number of items 0Pokemon Card Game Classic (CLK) PROMO CLK003/032-Number of items 0BlastoiseEX SR 092/087¥ 100,000 ~Number of items 1Blastoise (25th) PROMO PROMO 003/025-Number of items 0【PSA10】BlastoiseEX SR 092/087¥ 52,800 ~Number of items 1BlastoiseGX HR 064/054-Number of items 0Computer Error Non-glossy white shadow Blastoise Mega Battle participation commemorative card Old Back PROMO¥ 457,000 ~Number of items 1スターターセットVMAX カメックス 未開封BOX ¥ 2,999 ~Number of items 2【PSA9】Blastoise (25th) PROMO PROMO 003/025¥ 6,598 ~Number of items 1BlastoiseVMAX S-TD 002/020¥ 590 ~Number of items 3MBlastoiseEX S-TD 074/072-Number of items 0【BGS10】BlastoiseEX SR 061/060-Number of items 0Blastoiseソウルリンク U 080/087¥ 1,200 ~Number of items 1Fighting Fury Belt(Blastoiseメガバトル) PROMO XY-P¥ 2,000 ~Number of items 1Blastoise R 023/095-Number of items 01234...