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Icejade Tremora Rare JP010 3 copies
Icejade Tremora Rare JP010 3 copies
Authorised sellerAuthorised seller

Icejade Tremora Rare JP010 3 copies

Icejade Tremora Rare JP010 3 copies
Icejade Tremora Rare JP010 3 copies
Shipping Days
3〜4 Days
Shipping fees
※Shipping fee may vary depending on the destination country.
Last Update: More than half a year ago

This user ships within 24 hours from purchase on average

100 JPY
Sold Out
Icejade Tremora Rare JP010 3 copies

I will wish to offer them for play just in case.

We will give you 50 yen discount if you purchase 100 yen items at the same time!
We will write the name of the card you want in the comments.
We will also give you a 50 yen discount if you purchase the 100 yen item at the same time.

Item ID: 889200139
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「Icejade Tremora Rare JP010 3 copies」 is an item listed by 【ウサ助】プロフ必読!. Its series is Yu-Gi-Oh and the condition is Used. It will be shipped from Japan in 3〜4 Days days after purchase.