Yu-Gi-Oh Magician's Rod Magician's Robe, Navigate Set of 9
This item has not been updated for more than 30 days and the seller has not logged in for a while.
Please check the comments to see if it is available before purchasing.
Please check the comments to see if it is available before purchasing.
The rarity of this item is "character rare".
We will only sell for play to prevent any trouble ^^*.
I will accept negotiation to sell it separately or at a lower price if necessary.
If you purchase it with another item, we will give you 50 yen discount.
We will only sell for play to prevent any trouble ^^*.
I will accept negotiation to sell it separately or at a lower price if necessary.
If you purchase it with another item, we will give you 50 yen discount.
Item ID: 15090534