Ships within 24 hours & lowest price! Mind Control Secret Rare
This item has not been updated for more than 30 days and the seller has not logged in for a while.
Please check the comments to see if it is available before purchasing.
Please check the comments to see if it is available before purchasing.
We will ship with waterproof and anti-fold measures.
To avoid any trouble, this item will be sold in a uniform play condition.
Price reduced if purchased with other items!
Immediate purchase: ⭕️
We will pack the item in a sleeve or bag to protect it from water.
We will ship with cardboard and cardboard to prevent folding.
Basic mini-letter (63 yen for shipping)
If you want to buy items with a value of 10000 yen or more, we will use a loader.
If you want to use a loader, please comment and we will charge you an additional fee.
If you want to pay at a convenience store, we will send you the payment within 24 hours.
No returns.
To avoid any trouble, this item will be sold in a uniform play condition.
Price reduced if purchased with other items!
Immediate purchase: ⭕️
We will pack the item in a sleeve or bag to protect it from water.
We will ship with cardboard and cardboard to prevent folding.
Basic mini-letter (63 yen for shipping)
If you want to buy items with a value of 10000 yen or more, we will use a loader.
If you want to use a loader, please comment and we will charge you an additional fee.
If you want to pay at a convenience store, we will send you the payment within 24 hours.
No returns.
Item ID: 1230516496