2. 山茶花

Seller Information

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Thank you again for your time and courteous response: 🙇‍♂️ Please feel free to contact us again anytime. ☺️ Thank you again for the challenge!
Thank you again for your business! Thank you again for your kind words and sharing your results 🥺✨✨✨. We may take a little time to get to the results board this time, but we wish you the best 🙇‍♂️💦
ご評価遅くなり申し訳ありません🙇‍♂️ いつもご挑戦ありがとうございます🫡 無事出揃いましたのでこの後結果報告板もご準備します! 是非ご確認くださいませ✨✨
I have a poker collection. We would like to purchase Oripa, sell unopened packs, etc. We try to ship as quickly as possible. We would like to have a pleasant transaction with both parties.

Items on Sale