2. 闇のイグニス@関西支店

Seller Information

Feedback Ratings

  • 3109
  • 54
  • 24
I purchased a grab bag. Considering the card inside as a beauty, the value was as described, but since there are scratches and white spots, also as described, the actual valuation was the same or a little more than the purchase price. I was very worried about the evaluation, but the result is not a bomb ad, so I can't give it a "good" rating.... The correspondence and packaging were very thorough.
1 day
I have made my first purchase! I wish you all the best with the other one as well!
2 days
Shipping dates may vary from January 5 due to overtime work or short-term business trips until mid-year due to New Year's conflicts. The most recent defamation by a certain seller's sub-subscriber is the Darkness of Bianca, but even the sale price of Shanks Parallel + Luffy Parallel + Alpha was calculated at the purchase price, even though it is equivalent to 7,000 yen on a flea market site! The most recent user with a normal rating and a group of sub-sub-subscripts who wrote that the old backside of the

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