Thank you for purchasing Oripa for repeaters only ^ ^ ^.
As soon as my health recovers, I plan to offer a variety of Oripa products, so please keep in touch with me ^ ^ ^.
Thank you very much for your continued patronage ^ ^ ^
As soon as my health recovers, I will be back to work on the new Oripa, so if you have a chance, please let me know ^ ^ ^.
Congratulations on winning the giveaway ^ ^ ^.
I'm sorry to hear about the outcome of your scratch-off, but I'm relieved it arrived safe and sound!
We wish you all the best in the future ^ ^.
Thank you for participating in this project!
We will continue the gift project after the arrival of all customers, so please continue to Wish us luck ^ ^.
Thank you very much for your purchase of Sawa Mountain!
We will no longer be able to communicate with you here, but if you see us again, please let us know!
Thank you very much for your purchase of Sawa Mountain!
We will no longer be able to communicate with you here, but if you see us again, please let us know!