Seller Information961876608このユーザーの出品商品を検索Feedback Ratings201BadThere was nothing to protect it from being folded and wet, and although it said it was a beautiful item, it was in tatters, the darkest of darkness! I will not do business with them again.風月 /Buyer about 2 yearsGoodHussy/Buyer over 2 yearsGoodコロ助/Buyer almost 3 yearsItems on SaleBianca's Sincerity SAR 097/071¥ 12,499Prime Catcher ACE 062/071¥ 2,50014トドロクツキex SR 084/066¥ 1,400Sanji Parallel¥ 3,0005ArceusVSTAR UR¥ 5,0004CharizardV RR¥ 500ArceusV RR¥ 1,0001LumineonV RR¥ 1,000WhimsicottVSTAR RRR¥ 500Pokemon card¥ 1,500Pokemon card¥ 1,500Pokemon Card BlazikenV¥ 1,0001See more listing