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Tytannial, Princess of Camellias Wind Effect DBSS N15 yen, NP25 yen DE03 60 yen CSOC ¥80 Talaya, Princess of Cherry Blossoms Water Effect 20TP ¥60 JOTL 110 yen Mariña, Princess of Sunflowers Fire Effect SHSP ¥80 Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves Earth Effect LVAL ¥80 Rose Astrologer Earth Effect 23PP N10 yen NP20 yen SR ¥40 SE ¥200 No.87 Snow, Moon, and Flowers Beautiful Goddess Queen of the Nights Water Exes CPZ1 80 yen NCF1 200 yen Mark of the Rose Magic CSOC 30 yen DT04 20 yen DE03 10 yen DP21 15 yen

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