Seller Informationシモン本人確認済みこのユーザーの出品商品を検索Feedback Ratings1010Normal楽天ラクマ magi公式店/Buyer 8 monthsGoodネスト/Buyer over 1 yearGood土日祝休@magi公式(コレクター)/Seller over 2 yearsSee more reviewsLillie wants 、、、、.Items on SaleピックアップGanba LilliePSA and other PSA & element cards for sale in bulk¥ 2,000,0008Tent Ship Dongdenbutai Gold Treasure¥ 7,0001Demon of Hypermoon unopened 1BOX¥ 5,2801High Class Pack "Shiny Treasures ex" 6 unopened boxes with shrink wrap 6BOX¥ 47,000Ganba LilliePSA and other PSA & element cards for sale in bulk¥ 2,000,0008デュエルマスターズ 忍邪乱武 超刺激パック シュリンク付き2box¥ 21,0001Yu-Gi-Oh Di Rosaution Riryokubox with unopened shrink-wrapped¥ 5,5001Yu-Gi-Oh Di Rosa Shon Riryoku with Shrink¥ 5,5002Dragon Ball Heroes UGM1 Broly¥ 1,8001Dragon Ball Heroes UGM1 Son Goku¥ 6,0002