Seller Information草の人#8月10日に発送(なるべく早く)このユーザーの出品商品を検索Feedback Ratings45120GoodThank you for your purchase!トレカの利休@セット70円引き/Seller 9 monthsGood1676937801/Buyer over 1 yearGoodiroha(9/20より随時値上げ)/Seller over 1 yearSee more reviewsThis listing is primarily for Duel Masters. We do not sell in pieces.Items on SaleS Class Universe Adamski¥ 2,500Jadokumaru, the "serpent" demon¥ 8001Nijihaya The Verde¥ 2,300Nijihaya The Verde¥ 500Ou Disaster Buto <Sanma.Star>.¥ 1,100The music of the dragon costume Hatsufu|Holy Awe¥ 5001Restructer Revolutionary Invasions Paras King¥ 9501Monkid <Raizo.Star>.¥ 1,300Roaring Invasion Red Xorn¥ 600Hikaru Magikarp¥ 1,900Infinite Galaxy The End of Universe¥ 7005All Delight (e.g. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species)¥ 300See more listing