2. ポケマニ*プロフィール必読

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Unfortunately, it was a hassle. Thank you very much.
about 2 years
I received the item! Number 3 Kai SR! Yes! I can't believe it, but there is a fold in the center of the item. At first I thought it was a horizontal line, but it was a horizontal line + a crease. When I touched the back side, I found that it is on one side.
about 2 years
I received the item. It was No.2 Cynthia's Highness SR. The condition of the item was a horizontal line and a tear at the bottom. It was not a "beautiful item" because it was not so noticeable. It was not a "beautiful" item.
about 2 years

This user ships within 24 hours from purchase on average

Thank you for looking at this listing out of all the others! I'll mainly be exhibiting Pokekaoripa! Please try your luck today(°▽°)(°▽°)(°▽°) The items are those I pulled out myself and those I bought at a Trekkie shop. I choose the items from the ones I pulled out by myself and the ones I bought at the Trekkershop.

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