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Seller Information

Feedback Ratings

  • 500
  • 7
  • 8
I just received my items. Thank you very much for this time
28 days
I bought it thinking that it would be a beautiful used Le Bianca with a few scratches, especially since there were no major scratches listed. When I checked the item I received, there were white chips all over the back and front, and there were line scratches that looked as if they had been drawn with a cutter. I would not recommend doing business with this company.
about 1 month
about 1 month
Thank you very much for visiting our profile. We will only purchase if you understand the following. We will try to pay within 12 hours for ATM/convenience store payment. We will cancel your order if you do not comply. We will not negotiate the price down, but we will accept some high priced items. Cancellation after purchase is not allowed in principle. We will not accept cancellation after purchase in principle. We will not be able to accept cancellation after purchase. All Duel Master

Items on Sale
