2. 🍀カードショップゆきぴ🍀🎉評価115🎉

Seller Information

Feedback Ratings

  • 116
  • 0
  • 1
The packaging was very careful. Thank you for the extras.
about 1 year
Thank you so much for your purchase 🙇. We are very happy to have had this opportunity to do business with you! We hope to have the opportunity to do business with you again 🙇.
about 1 year
Excellent service. Quick response.
about 1 year

This user ships within 24 hours from purchase on average

Thank you for taking the time to read my profile🐾 We hope you enjoy reading to the end. ❣️ ⚠️DarknessYour rating was harassing and has been reported⚠️ 💐2021/8/8 Shop OPEN💐. ✨Card game related products. We are selling cheap (rarely Psychic cheap, special) ✨. We are confident that the quality and packaging 💥 for the price is second to none! We are confident that the quality and packaging of our products are second to none 💥. We are confident that our quality and packaging are second

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