Thanks again for the deal 😊
Really strong despite the low price☺️.
I really miss the old back, and thank you for all your wetting measures and careful packaging 😊.
I also look forward to the next one ☺️
It arrived safe and sound!
It was too big a reduction to be the contents of a $100 Oripa!
Thank you for your kindness and patience in the shipping process 😌.
I hope to have the opportunity to work with you again 😌.
Thank you for being so courteous all the way through!
I didn't get anything out of the top 4 and it was a Shock, but I'm going to chalk that up to my Darkness pull not showing up in 100 of the 300 packs 💦.
Thank you very much.
It arrived!
I excitedly and happily opened the package and found the card I was looking for!
There were many old back-up cards that I didn't have.
I'm glad I was the first to reserve ^_^.
Tidings and support are very helpful and reliable!