2. 836780378

Seller Information

Feedback Ratings

  • 205
  • 8
  • 6
Thank you for the procedure. It would be helpful if you could be careful from now on.
カード屋 とっきー/Seller
over 2 years
I guess it was inevitable that I would receive a reply, but the shipping cardboard was broken and the entire contents were exposed. The cardboard was only fortified with duct tape, so I guess it could not be helped, but I was worried about the contents because of the large amount of money. The contents were safe and sound.
カード屋 とっきー/Buyer
over 2 years
It was left over 10 days to ship with no Tidings.
almost 3 years
自分の都合の良いように評価されて、頼まれてもないことをさぞこちらが悪いのように書かれ、悪い評価をつけられましたが、そんなことはありません。 大事に配送していますす。

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