Advanced SearchSearch resultNewly listed Price: lowest first Price: highest first Highest LikesFilterProduct list (10,000 items)Item list (599 items)Pardea Wooper Promo 3 copies¥ 3,000Classic Snorlax 3-piece set¥ 300Detective Pikachu Promo PROMO 098/SV-P¥ 3,000Mewex SR 195/165¥ 2,6002Pokémon Card Basic Energy Card Psychic 12 cards¥ 2,0001Bulbasaur Ivysaur Charmander Charmeleon Squirtle Wartortle Pokémon card game classic The Three Families ②¥ 1,3001Bulbasaur Ivysaur Charmander Charmeleon Squirtle Wartortle Pokémon card game classic Gosanke ①¥ 1,3001Basic FireEnergy classic 14 sheets¥ 3,4001Pokémon Cards Basic GrassEnergy classic 8 cards¥ 1,0001Pokemon Cards Classic Clefable Clefairy Chansey 3 sets¥ 2,4001Bulbasaur Ivysaur Charmander Charmeleon Squirtle Wartortle Pokémon Card Game classic The Three Families (5)¥ 1,300Bulbasaur Ivysaur Charmander Charmeleon Squirtle Wartortle Pokémon Card Game classic The Three Families ⑥¥ 1,300Bulbasaur Ivysaur Charmander Charmeleon Squirtle Wartortle Pokémon Card Game classic The Three Families 4¥ 1,3001Bulbasaur Ivysaur Charmander Charmeleon Squirtle Wartortle Pokémon Card Game classic The Three Families (3)¥ 1,3001Mew SR Set of 3 Pokémon Cards 151¥ 3,2003 Mewex UR¥ 9,000Mewur¥ 3,000Mewssr 3 sheets¥ 3,200Pokémon Card Pikachu Pokéka Summer is Kitta 2 cards¥ 3,20022 colorless Energies 10 Pokémon cards CLASSIC CLASSIC¥ 3001Pokémon card Basic GrassEnergy classic 8 cards (2)¥ 1,0001InteleonVMAX(SR spec) S-TD 023/022¥ 10,000Suicuneex Ho-Ohex Lugiaex Pokémon cards classic classic set of 2 cards¥ 7001Pokémon Card Mewtwo AR 1 card 183/162 151 Mewtwoar¥ 40016 WaterEnergy cards for the exclusive use of Mr. Yanagi¥ 2,4001Kshatrira Arise Heart Ultra Rare JP046¥ 5001for the exclusive use of willow trees¥ 6002Magikarp Gyarados 2 each Pokémon cards classic classic¥ 1,400Venusaur Classic¥ 1,0002Summer of Pokéka is here! Campaign Pikachu AR Promo Set of 3¥ 5,000BulbasaurAR Special Deck¥ 1,700Ice Water Chime Egil Gumil Super Rare JP038¥ 3001Basic LightningEnergyx7 Pokémon Card Classic¥ 1,8001Sandslash (Master Ball pattern/mirror) U 028/165¥ 7001MewtwoV SR 074/071¥ 2,4003Basic LightningEnergyx7 Pokémon Card Classic ②¥ 1,8001Charizard of Radiance¥ 400Start Deck Generations Special Battle Set (no promo code) Pokémon Card Game 1BOX¥ 1,500Duel Masters TCG King Master Start Deck Joe's Star Evolution 20th Anniversary Perfect Set¥ 2,500Dedenneex SR 089/073¥ 2,300Lana's Wrangle SR 088/066¥ 1,000Mewex UR 208/165¥ 3,8001MewtwoVSTAR UR 091/071¥ 2,2001Secret Box ACE 092/101¥ 300Grand Guignol the Lost Dragon Secret Rare JP033¥ 600Ibiritua Nereimanus Secret Rare JP032¥ 300Gigantic "Champion" Sargus Secret Rare JP045¥ 400Jyukan no Kou-tei Beagram Secret Rare JPS12¥ 4001234...