Advanced SearchSearch result for 「」(Page 3)Newly listed Price: lowest first Price: highest first Highest LikesFilterProduct list (10,000 items)Item list (1,242 items)Blanche HR 090/071¥ 500Blanche SR 083/071¥ 400Duskull C 023/064¥ 2501SerperiorVSTAR HR 086/068¥ 600Allora VulpixVSTAR HR 087/068¥ 1,000Copycat SR 079/067¥ 1,700Kibana SR 077/067¥ 2,000Wolo SR 245/172¥ 400Star Clan lackey SR 098/078¥ 500Hayato SR 094/073¥ 500Kaede SR 097/078¥ 800Invitation by Erika SR 196/165¥ 3,9001Peony SR 082/070¥ 500Pomegranate HR 084/067¥ 500Charisma SR 197/165 in Sa Kiawe¥ 900Furisode HR 090/068¥ 1,500Shauna HR 084/067¥ 1,800Nanjamo SR 091/071¥ 15,000Dedicated to Mr. Nanataku EspeonV SR 080/069¥ 5,8003Pelipper U 059/071¥ 1501Zinnia U 074/078¥ 2002Infinite Impermanence Ultra Rare JP049¥ 2,6001Caitlin SR 080/070¥ 20,000GlaceonVMAX HR 091/069¥ 68,0002JolteonV SR 078/069¥ 1,500LeafeonV SR 070/069¥ 1,500Mightyena CHR 072/067¥ 300Beast Ring TR 052/054¥ 500Chaos Dragon Levianeer (new illustration) Collector's Rare JP014¥ 3501Paleozoic Dinomischus Collector's Rare JP046¥ 650Zapdos 25th Promo by R-Dan¥ 1,5005Nanjamo SAR 096/071¥ 64,0006Kai SAR 236/172¥ 15,000Dharc the Dark Charmer QCSE, 25th Sikh QCCU-JP189¥ 6,000Jynx CHR 071/068¥ 6001Smeargle CHR 073/068¥ 800Jade ZoroarkVSTAR SAR 234/172¥ 2,3002Neo Kaiser Sea Horse Super Rare SD47-JPP02¥ 1501Drowzee AR 086/078¥ 3501VMAX Special Set Eevee Heroes Unopened Box 1BOX¥ 22,000SimisearVSTAR SAR 214/172¥ 1,500Slakoth C 060/071¥ 150GlaceonV RR 024/069¥ 2503Onix C 036/071¥ 1501Hydreigon R 059/073¥ 2002Makenki Hachimaki U 073/078¥ 300まけんきハチマキ U 073/078¥ 2501FlareonV RR 011/069¥ 450123456...