Advanced SearchSearch resultNewly listed Price: lowest first Price: highest first Highest LikesFilterProduct list (10,000 items)Item list (1,883 items)Gardevoir 054/081 R¥ 2,0001Gardevoir (Kira) U 010/020 with folds¥ 555Eevee 058/080 with scratches¥ 666Espeon 4 LV.55 006/018¥ 6526Vaporeon 275/SM-P¥ 9991Pikachu 272/S-P promo¥ 555There is a scratch BlastoiseGX SR 057/054¥ 7771N N¥ 7631(i) Nakayoshi Poffin U 063/071¥ 1,350(iii) Nakayoshi Poffin U 063/071¥ 1,350Giratina LV.X 052/096 with scratches¥ 12,0001Energy Retrieval TD 110/139¥ 1,1504Jirachi of Faunce Scratches large¥ 9852Energy Retrieval¥ 1,500Arceus LV.X 011/017 with scratches¥ 3,000Giratina R 016/054¥ 4302Eevee 007/015¥ 5553Lugia Old back NO.249 Scratches large¥ 6,0001There is a scratch KyogreEX SR 054/052¥ 20,000Xatu 043/070★¥ 555Trubbish 039/080 C¥ 555Lucario GL LV.32 053/090★¥ 555RayquazaEX 123/XY-P promo with scratches¥ 999Raichu LV.45 025/092★¥ 7774Honchkrow LV.42¥ 555Skiddo 011/XY-P promo¥ 555Darkrai LV.50 046/DP-P promo¥ 777Tepig 076/BW-P promo with scratches¥ 6661Octillery 029/070★¥ 4441Prince Manaphy of Ao Umi¥ 5551Medicham 054/083★¥ 666Golem 052/086¥ 555Shiftry 068/083¥ 333Tropius 014/082¥ 333Togekiss 061/080¥ 333Staraptor LV.54 with scratches¥ 3331Regigas LV.52 with scratches¥ 3332Swalot LV.40¥ 3331Genesect 232/BW-P promo with scratches¥ 333Drifblim FB LV.50 with scratches¥ 333Ninjask 013/082¥ 333Oshawott 077/BW-P with scratches¥ 333Mamoswine LV.58¥ 333LucarioGL LV.32 053/090¥ 333HoWightKyurem 015/036¥ 3332Arceus LV.100 041/DPt-P with scratches¥ 333Heracross 009/083¥ 333Regigas LV.52 with scratches¥ 33311234...