Advanced SearchSearch result for 「」(Page 8)Newly listed Price: lowest first Price: highest first Highest LikesFilterProduct list (10,000 items)Item list (1,883 items)VirizionEX SR 077/076 with scratches¥ 1,1112Froslass (Kira) U 009/032 Scratches, in trade¥ 5003RotomV¥ 6,0003Fiery Flint TR 092/095¥ 3,3331Basic LightningEnergy (Kira)¥ 1,5003Arceus R 024/027 with scratches¥ 3,0004Liepard 066/BW-P¥ 555Dragonair δ Delta species¥ 5552Pikachu 022/060¥ 8884Riolu PROMO 104/BW-P¥ 555Serperior (Kira) U 003/020¥ 5554Stunfisk (Kira) U 012/020¥ 555Rhyperior4 LV.55¥ 555Vespiquen 4 LV.50¥ 555Torterra LV.48¥ 555Raichu LV.39 Old back¥ 6661Bad Machoke LV.28 Old Back¥ 999Bad Rapidash LV.24 Old Back¥ 666Bad Gloom LV.21 old back¥ 999Bad Persian LV.28 old back¥ 999Bad Electrode LV.24 Old Back¥ 666Bad Primeape LV.23 Old Back¥ 666Bad Vaporeon LV.28 old back with folds¥ 8881HoopaEX RR 012/027¥ 6661DialgaEX 004/018¥ 666HoWightKyuremEX R 041/059¥ 5554Beginning door 013/017¥ 555Wave Guiding Lucario Promo¥ 5552Bad Weezing 015/084¥ 888Voltorb LV.33, different color, scratches.¥ 7771Ultimate Xorn PROMO with scratches¥ 5551Metagross 005/019 with white splash¥ 333Rocketeer's Experiment, old back, scratched.¥ 555Rocketeer, old back¥ 6662How to Grow Bamboo Shoots Old Back¥ 666Operation Spy, Old Background¥ 888Bulbasaur LV.13 old back¥ 5551Eevee LV.12 old back¥ 8882Geodude LV.15 Old back¥ 777Tauros LV.35 Old back¥ 777Charmander LV.9 Old back¥ 5552Volcanion◇ PR 037/173¥ 5551Kagayaku Heatran K 011/067¥ 3333Rocketeer executives promo.¥ 5551Arora Vulpix PROMO¥ 5553Igglybuff Old Back Entrance Present Card¥ 5552Riolu LV.7 promo¥ 555Hoopa PROMO 157/XY-P¥ 5551...567891011...