Advanced SearchSearch resultNewly listed Price: lowest first Price: highest first Highest LikesFilterProduct list (10,000 items)Item list (111 items)Nami [Parallel] [Green] [Parallel version EB02-017].¥ 2,220Slowpoke AR 082/078¥ 930Dragonair AR 182/165¥ 790Duskull AR 068/064¥ 1,220Dusknoir (R spec.) 066/187¥ 500Persian AR 075/064¥ 1,290Mewtwo AR 183/165¥ 1,3503Gardevoirex SAR 101/078¥ 16,7002Dusknoir AR 070/064¥ 1,260Budew 001/187¥ 1,050Edina Kiva (Master Ball pattern/mirror spec.) 086/187¥ 880Houndoom AR 066/064¥ 1,110Snorlax AR 181/165¥ 2,450Brololome ex SAR 135/108¥ 750Earth vessel (Poke Ball pattern/mirror) 143/187¥ 1,410Doll (★R/parallel)(OP11-008)¥ 1,2301GlaceonGX HR 073/066¥ 7,5501Bulbasaur AR 166/165¥ 1,110The Great Hollow of Zero U 102/102¥ 420Great Hollow of Zero 182/187¥ 645Eeveeex RR 126/187¥ 6601Glaceon (Poke Ball pattern/mirror) 040/187¥ 750Vessels of the Earth 143/187¥ 1,140Kicchigis ex RR 104/187¥ 2,250Iinenu ex SAR 087/064¥ 1,150N Zoroarkex SR 117/100¥ 1,250Nami SR OP11-054¥ 640Gorgeous Mant UR 094/066¥ 1,230Totodile (Poke Ball pattern/mirror) 032/187¥ 1,000Duraludon (Poke Ball pattern/mirror) 112/187¥ 7701Cycling road U 165/165¥ 850Dusclops (Master Ball pattern/mirror) 065/187¥ 1,070Origin PalkiaV SR 071/067¥ 6,200Thangka of Night U 056/064¥ 820Thangka of Night 151/187¥ 8202Shanks (parallel) P-SR OP09-004¥ 1,450Kicchigis ex RR 104/187¥ 1,430Enel SR EB02-052¥ 870Elite archers' group show-offs Rare 146/0¥ 1,870Infiltrator, Satoru Rare 230/0¥ 550Zinnia U 074/078¥ 640Magneton AR 112/106¥ 1,1502Gore D. Roger (Parallel) P-SEC OP09-118¥ 1,050Saw Bulettes AR 109/106¥ 1,0302Pal Pad U 069/078¥ 600Suguri SAR 230/187¥ 1,580Augapon Midori-no-men ex RR 020/187¥ 7306 kinds of set Highest point R EB02-008¥ 850123