Advanced SearchSearch result for 「リザード C」Newly listed Price: lowest first Price: highest first Highest LikesFilterProduct list (2,851 items)Item list (10,000 items)ARS10] Kaen Charizard, Kira marked, old back ★¥ 378,0001PSA10] Charizard (25th) PROMO 001/025¥ 42,8002PSA10] CharizardGX SSR 209/150¥ 148,0007[PSA10] CharizardV SR specs PROMO 103/S-P¥ 148,0009Shador Hedgehog [Normal] {SD37-JP005} [Monster] Shador Charmeleon [Normal] {SD37-JP006} [Monster] Shador Beast [Normal] {SD37-JP008} [Monster] 6 *.¥ 564Charizard K 015/172¥ 1052Charizardex [RR] {006/165} [SV2a] 4 *.¥ 321Charizardex [RR] {006/165} [SV2a] 4 *.¥ 309CharizardVMAX SSR 308/190 1 piece¥ 13,8001Pocketka] SR◇ Charizard & BraixenGX 1 piece¥ 23,0001PSA10] CharizardVMAX SSR 308/190¥ 28,8001Charizardex SAR 201/165¥ 15,7505Charizard K 015/172¥ 1812Dragapultex Charizardex City League Winner Pokémon Card Constructed Deck¥ 8,1004Charizardex Pidgeotex Rotomv Unfair Stamp CL Aichi Winner Pokémon Cards Constructed Deck¥ 9,4004PSA9 Red Gloss Bad Charizard Rockettes Old Back 1997 Appraisal 006¥ 44,9992804 Double or Nothing!, Level Modulation, Inheritance of Light, Blizzard¥ 312Old Back Pokémon Card Charizard Blastoise Venusaur¥ 34,7001Charizardex 2 species and evolution set CharmeleonAR¥ 1,299PSA10] CharizardVSTAR SAR 212/172¥ 12,000Pokémon Card Charizardex Deck Dusknoir [03155].¥ 7,666Pokémon Card Charizardex Deck Dusknoir [03060].¥ 7,5551Pokémon Card Charizardex Deck Pidgeot [02460].¥ 4,5552Charizardex SAR 201/165¥ 24,0005KairikiCharizard First edition, unmarked, old back 6¥ 4,770,0001Charizard¥ 5,0461Haru-n Channel's Charizardex Kichikigis ex RotomV Preconstructed Deck - Pokémon Cards - Pokémon Cards¥ 9,4992Gym Battle Winner] Charizardex Kichikigis ex Precious Carry Preconstructed Deck Pokémon Cards Pokémon Cards¥ 9,9993City League Winner] Dragapultex Charizard Complete Deck Pokémon Cards Pokéka¥ 8,4992[Condition B] Charizard (1ED) [☆] {092/092}¥ 47,936PSA10] CharizardV SR 103/100¥ 26,8004Special deck set ex Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise 1BOX¥ 10,0001CharizardV [SSR] {307/190}¥ 11,556[Condition A-] Charizardex [SAR] {349/190}¥ 21,721[PSA10] Charizardex SAR 201/165¥ 26,8001CharizardEX SR 081/080¥ 45,0003Pokémon Card (New Regulation) Pre-built Deck Drapaldex Charizardex Deck¥ 7,8001ARS10] Kaen Charizard, Kira marked, old back ★¥ 378,0001ArceusVSTAR Charizardex Pokémon Card Constructed Deck¥ 6,6007Today's special price! Pokémon cards, pre-built deck, Charizardex, Terrapagosex, Jewel Charizard, Pokémon cards.¥ 4,480Pokémon cards, pre-built deck, jewel, Charizardex, Kichikigisex, Nakayoshi Poffin, Night's Tanka, Prime Catcher, Pokémon cards, adopted.¥ 8,2002PSA10] CharizardV SR 103/100¥ 26,8005CharizardVSTAR RRR 014/172¥ 350Old back Pokémon card Charizard, exchange, cross holo¥ 38,000Old Back Pokémon Card Charizard Whirlpool Hollow¥ 24,500Old back Pokémon card Charizard, exchange, cross holo¥ 27,500Old Back Pokémon Card Charizard¥ 30,000Old Back: Pokémon Card Charizard, Take Back¥ 20,000Old Back Pokémon Card Charizard Hikaru Mew Blastoise Venusaur¥ 28,000Old Back: Pokémon Card Charizard Blastoise Venusaur, Choreographer¥ 30,000PSA9 Charizard e-card holo 1ED¥ 84,00061234...