Advanced SearchSearch result for 「ナゾノクサ」Newly listed Price: lowest first Price: highest first Highest LikesFilterProduct list (240 items)Item list (118 items)Oddish (Master Ball pattern/mirror) C 043/165¥ 902Erika's Kindness (Growlithe and Oddish umbrellas) Pokémon card old back¥ 1,750Orbeetle Flapple Appletun Applin Oddish¥ 120Oddish C 001/108¥ 1001Oddish S 191/190¥ 1501Oddish C 043/165¥ 141g364 ナゾノクサ sv4a 191/190 S キラ 色違い ポケモン トレトレ¥ 180Oddish C 001/098¥ 150専用¥ 1502b149 Oddish Pokémon Card e Treasure¥ 2402Oliva Oddish Vileplume Jumpluff¥ 150Oddish Vileplume Capsize Scovillain¥ 165e310 Oddish 1ED 1st Pokémon Card e Treasure¥ 2201Pokémon Card Oddish Gloom¥ 444Pokemon Card Oddish Bellossom¥ 444エリカのナゾノクサ¥ 150Pokémon Card Oddish Gloom Bellossom¥ 486Pokémon Card Oddish Gloom Bellossom¥ 486Oddish (Master Ball pattern/mirror) C 043/165¥ 500Oddish (Master Ball pattern/mirror) C 043/165¥ 1,2002890 [Pokémon Cards] Oddish/Gloom/Bellossom, set of 4 each¥ 300Vileplume Gloom Oddish(150)¥ 3361Oddish mirror 001/190 shiny treasure sv4a¥ 150Oddish 001/190 Shiny Treasures sv4a set of 4¥ 140Mirror Oddish Pokémon Card SV2a¥ 180Oddish/ Paras Pokémon card old backside¥ 300Oddish C 001/108¥ 100Oddish C 001/108¥ 100Oddish C 001/108¥ 100Oddish 001/190¥ 100Oddish S 191/190¥ 250Oddish.¥ 175Oddish S 191/190¥ 1802Oddish S Dolphin Man S¥ 400Pokémon Card Oddish Gloom Vileplume Evolution Line¥ 555Oddish.¥ 160Oddish.¥ 160Oddish S 191/190¥ 499Oddish Vileplume Poke Ball mirror¥ 300ナゾノクサ C 001/108¥ 120Oddish C 001/067¥ 100ナゾノクサ C 001/098¥ 100ポケカ 2枚 ナゾノクサ(モンスターボール柄/ミラー仕様)¥ 200Oddish C 001/108 Gloom U 044/165¥ 2001Oddish C 043/165¥ 450ナゾノクサ¥ 100ナゾノクサ(マスターボール柄/ミラー仕様) C 043/165¥ 600ポケモンカード旧裏 エリカのナゾノクサ×2・エリカのクサイハナ¥ 200123