Advanced SearchSearch result for 「カメックス UR」Newly listed Price: lowest first Price: highest first Highest LikesFilterProduct list (251 items)Item list (315 items)Blastoise Take back please Old back PROMO¥ 16,000PSA10 Triple Crown Daga Yakuyaku Sanke Daga Yakuyaku Venusaur Daga Yakuyaku Charizard Daga Yakuyaku Blastoise¥ 22,222Blastoise Take back please Old back PROMO¥ 16,000Blastoise Take back please Old back PROMO¥ 12,800[Condition A-] Blastoise (Triple Get Campaign) [P] {013/P}¥ 104,860b319 Blastoise Promo Pokémon Treasurer¥ 3501State C] Blastoise (1ED) [UR] {078/070}¥ 26,536[Condition B] Blastoise (1ED) [UR] {078/070}¥ 42,5866660 [Pokémon Cards] Squirtle (8 cards) Wartortle (5 cards) BlastoiseR (1 card) Total 14 cards set¥ 700GarchompEX (Blastoise Mega Battle) [P] {245/XY-P}¥ 3,723ALL psa10 25th Anniversary Promo Comp Pokeka Pikachu Umbreon Charizard Blastoise one part sequential number¥ 300,00020c216 Blastoise 1ED DP3 Promo Pokémon Treasurer¥ 6002Blastoise(1ED) [UR] {078/070}¥ 126,260Pokémon Card Classic classic Gosanke Charizard Venusaur Blastoise psa10 9 consecutive numbers¥ 115,0003Unfair Stamp Blastoise Venusaur Charizard of Katura¥ 35,000073MC341G Pokémon Card 25th Promo Blastoise¥ 2,5007【新品未開封】海外限定 カメックス スリーブ ポケモン シールド65枚入¥ 1,0501Blastoise Soul Link U 080/087 with flaws¥ 1,200Pokemon Cards Old Back Bad Series Bad Charizard Bad Blastoise Bad Machamp Bad Alakazam Bad Vileplume¥ 10,9801Greninjaex Segrave Kagayaku Blastoise Pokémon Card Pre-built Deck¥ 9,5002Blastoise (Unlimi) [UR] {078/070}¥ 115,560[Condition A-] Blastoise (1ED) [UR] {078/070}¥ 74,686[Condition A-] Blastoise [UR] {078/070}¥ 63,986Greninjaex Segrave Kagayaku Blastoise Pokémon Card Constructed Deck¥ 9,7002●073NB106K Pokémon Card Kagayaku Charizard Blastoise Venusaur Heatran Hawlucha 5-card set¥ 9002PROMO] Blastoise 013/P Triple Get Campaign¥ 12,0003Charizard ducking Venusaur ducking Blastoise 3 sheets¥ 9002Blastoise Old Back Unmarked Replace Please¥ 40,000Pokémon Card Blastoiseex [Constructed Deck] Sleeved Pokéka¥ 4,0002Blastoise Triple Get¥ 53,5004Blastoise Promo¥ 380Scarlet ex 3 boxes Pokémon Cards 151 (Ichigo-ichi) 3 boxes Total 6 boxes Shrinkable Unopened New Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise Unopened box 6BOX¥ 88,8001Pokémon Cards Classic Search Charizard Pikachu Bulbasaur Venusaur Charmander Charmeleon Blastoise Lillie Lisia Marnie Umbreon Mew Mewtwo Energy¥ 60,3004Pokémon Card Blastoiseex [Preconstructed Deck] with Sleeve Pokéka¥ 9,700Pokémon Card Blastoiseex [Preconstructed Deck] Pokémon Card with Sleeve¥ 7,6001Pokémon Card Blastoiseex [Preconstructed Deck] Pokémon Card with Sleeve¥ 6,600Pokémon Card Blastoiseex [Constructed Deck] with Sleeve¥ 6,500Pokémon Card Blastoiseex [Constructed Deck] with Sleeve¥ 12,500Pokémon Card Blastoiseex [Constructed Deck] with Sleeve¥ 6,4001Pokémon Card Blastoiseex [Constructed Deck] with Sleeve¥ 6,4001Pokémon Card Blastoiseex [Constructed Deck] with Sleeve¥ 7,8002Pokémon Card Blastoiseex [Constructed Deck] with Sleeve¥ 8,3001Pokémon Card Blastoiseex [Constructed Deck] with Sleeve¥ 5,9003Pokémon Card Blastoiseex [Constructed Deck] Sleeved Pokéka¥ 8,800ゼニガメ カメール カメックス ポケモン classic クラシック¥ 4,999カメックス 旧裏 プロモ とりかえっこ¥ 4,5001Blastoise LV.52 Take Back the Pieces! Damage] old back/managed by MP9348¥ 1,580カメックス LV.52 とりかえっこプリーズ【ダメージ】旧裏/管理:MP9130¥ 1,9802カメックス LV.52 とりかえっこプリーズ【プレイド】旧裏/管理:MP9131¥ 6,2801234...