Advanced SearchItems for Battle Spirits(Page 90)Nexus collapses¥ 1401SJ Set¥ 180Sagittarius Bulette V Sagittarius¥ 150Golden Bull Star Armor Bulette Vtaurus¥ 300Golden Bull Star Armor Bulette Vtaurus¥ 300Re-Genesis, the Divine Sword of Judgment¥ 1602Bird Star Armor Shiso Bird¥ 300Phoenix Cannon¥ 100Archelancer¥ 100Gunnery Dragon Bal Gunner¥ 240Graun Gyras, the armored-shell dragon¥ 100Ultimate Catastrophe Dragon¥ 160Ultimate Yamato¥ 140Ultimate Bomb Fire Ultimate Bazel¥ 580Sword Master Set¥ 180Doom Dragon¥ 1001Ultimate Apollo Dragon¥ 3001Red Fire Dragon Hinoko¥ 300Red Fire Dragon Hinoko¥ 300Red Fire Dragon Hinoko¥ 300Fire Pole Heaven Ryuman Burst¥ 160Ultimate Bulette Dora¥ 840Liu Man Fantasista¥ 240Flame Dragon Demon Emperor Ma Gu¥ 380Fire Dragon General Efreet¥ 540Fire Dragon General Efreet¥ 540Iron Kiryu Maximillion¥ 140Ryuman Leylander.¥ 180Kaylone the Wise Dragon¥ 180Battalion Chief Draguno.¥ 100yasium (Y)¥ 300T's Dragon the Rampaging Emperor¥ 120Flame Dragon Winged Man Ma Do¥ 100Ascending Dragon Balmunk¥ 100King Gorgo the Serpent Dragon¥ 200Andrometheus the Galactic Dragon¥ 1001Staley Luhmann.¥ 480Staley Luhmann.¥ 480Staley Luhmann.¥ 480Staley Luhmann.¥ 480Shrike's raptor (Rhynchogale shriekeri)¥ 100Morguesaurus¥ 2401Ryuman Landaxe.¥ 240homeliner¥ 300Minnie's Suicide Squad¥ 1101Rococeratops (figure from Greek mythology)¥ 100Ryman Crowe.¥ 600ritard edge¥ 1001...87888990919293...