Advanced SearchPopular and recommended products list for Pokemon Cards(Page 422)Random Receiver UR 079/070-Number of items 0Blastoise UR 078/070-Number of items 0UnitEnergy GrassFireWater UR 078/066-Number of items 0UnitEnergy LightningPsychicMetal UR 078/066-Number of items 0Great Catcher UR 078/064-Number of items 0Missing Clover UR 077/066-Number of items 0Pokemon Catcher UR 076/069-Number of items 0Peeking Red Card UR 076/066-Number of items 0Archeops UR 075/069-Number of items 0Lillie’s Poké Doll UR 074/049-Number of items 0Counter Gain UR 073/060-Number of items 0基本MetalEnergy UR 073/060-Number of items 0基本PsychicEnergy UR 073/060-Number of items 0Lana’s Fishing Rod UR 073/049-Number of items 0Custom Catcher UR 072/060-Number of items 0Switch UR 072/060-Number of items 0Electropower UR 071/060-Number of items 0Nest Ball UR 071/060-Number of items 0Aether Paradise Conservation Area UR 070/055-Number of items 0Karate Belt UR 069/054-Number of items 0Mt. Coronet UR 069/054-Number of items 0Electromagnetic Radar UR 068/055-Number of items 0Viridian Forest UR 068/054-Number of items 0Reset Stamp UR 068/054-Number of items 0基本GrassEnergy UR 068/051-Number of items 0U-Turn Board UR 067/054-Number of items 0Tag Switch UR 067/054-Number of items 0Beastブリンガー UR 067/054-Number of items 0Double ColorlessEnergy UR 067/051-Number of items 0Dragon Talon UR 066/053-Number of items 0Rare Candy UR 066/051-Number of items 0基本DarknessEnergy UR 066/049-Number of items 0MewtwoEX UR 065/059-Number of items 0Fiery Flint UR 065/053-Number of items 0Metal Goggles UR 065/052-Number of items 0Multi Switch UR 065/049-Number of items 0Terrakion UR 064/059-Number of items 0Dangerous Drill UR 064/052-Number of items 0基本FairyEnergy UR 064/051-Number of items 0Rescue Stretcher UR 063/051-Number of items 0Bodybuilding Dumbbells UR 063/051-Number of items 0Spell Tag UR 063/050-Number of items 0Metal Frying Pan UR 063/050-Number of items 0Super Scoop Up UR 062/051-Number of items 0Escape Rope UR 062/051-Number of items 0Adventure Bag UR 062/050-Number of items 0Beast Ring UR 062/050-Number of items 0基本WaterEnergy UR 062/050-Number of items 01...419420421422423